Flight FX
At the gate in plenty of time. check.
Neck pillow. check.
Audio book. check.
You know how to fly! And Flight FX is boarding!
We’ve got 40 seats on our plane… is one yours? Better yet, is your seat the lucky one that wins? One thing is for sure… we’ll find out!
From now until March 28th, we’ll give you two opportunities each weekday at 8:15am and 3:15pm to get on Flight FX!
Listen for the cue to call, be the 9th caller, and pick your seat! If it’s unoccupied, you qualify. If it’s taken we’ll move on to the next caller. On April 5th we’ll do a reverse draw at our grand finale location to see which seat on Flight FX wins a $5,000 travel gift card!
Wanna follow along? You can check the flight plan below.
Flight FX , presented by Oak Island Resort, Century Mazda, and Today’s Country FX101.9!
- To enter the Flight FX, you must be the 9th caller to 902-420-1019 when you hear the cue to call. Flight FX will be played on-air twice each weekday at approximately
8:15am and 3:15pm. - If the 9th caller selects a seat that is already claimed, they forfeit their opportunity to qualify and the announcer will continue to the next caller and so on until a contestant selects a seat that is available. The seat plan for Flight FX is available on the station website under “contests” and is updated every time a seat is selected.
- Every qualifier is required to be in attendance for a “reverse draw” at our finale location on Saturday, April 5th and have completed check-in before the start of the “reverse draw” to be eligible for the grand prize. Valid photo ID will be required at a check in table to verify your eligibility. If exceptional circumstances prevent a qualifier from attending, they must communicate, via email, to kerri.dawe@mbsradio.com before 5 pm on Wednesday, April 2nd. A determination will be made whether to permit an authorized substitute person to fill in for the qualifier. Said qualifier will be required to complete and return an authorization form that will stipulate, amongst other things, that the substitute person is only in attendance to represent the legitimate contest qualifier and their attendance does not entitle them to the prize. The “reverse draw” will consist of a random draw of seat numbers. The last remaining seat and its holder will win the prize.
- Limit of one entry per person. If it is discovered that you entered more than once, all of your entries will be void.
- This contest is open to residents of Canada and must be 19 years of age or older. Employees and their parents, siblings, and children, and persons domiciled with an employee of MBS Radio are ineligible to win.
- By entering this contest, entrants agree to be bound by the official rules and the decision of the radio station. By entering, the winner agrees to the use of his/her name, address, voice, and likeness in any advertising or promotion without compensation.
- In order to be declared a winner by the Contest judges, a potential winner must:
a. Be in compliance with these contest rules and general MBS Radio contest rules and regulations.
b. Complete, sign, and return a declaration and release prepared by MBS Radio along with correctly answering a mathematical skill-testing question.
c. All decisions by MBS Radio are final.